New Streamlined Banned Drinker Scanning System

19 September 2022

Territorians can expect faster scanning speeds with new and improved Banned Drinker Register (BDR) devices to be rolled out across the Territory from 19 September 2022.

The BDR is a valuable tool to assist in reducing alcohol related harm in the Northern Territory and Territorians are well used to providing photo identification to purchase takeaway alcohol.

The current BDR scanning equipment is reaching its end-of-life and the new system being rolled out will reduce the time it takes to scan licences from 10 to 1.3 seconds.

Other improvements to the system include smart use of tablets to significantly streamline technology required to scan licences.

The new tablets will make it faster for liquor outlets to serve their customers, with customers appreciating an enhanced experience at the checkout or drive through.

The BDR identifies people who are banned from purchasing takeaway alcohol and stops their purchase. There are nearly 250 BDR devices in operation in more than 160 takeaway liquor venues throughout the Northern Territory.

As at July there were 2,857 people on the BDR, with 355 sales declined that month due to being on BDR.

The rollout of new equipment is expected to be completed in November 2022.